Wednesday 6 January 2016

Day 6 - Getting Somewhere

Today in gamemaker I did a lot more tutorials and learnt a lot. I did 3 tutorials, one on rotation, one on Enemies and hp and one on views. The enemy one was really cool to do and I was able to understand it and even configure it to something that I preferred. I also did some work on creating the sprites for my tutorial platform game. I only got one done and it is not very good but it is better than the ones I made for my other tutorial game. Project Z is a lot like a platformer so it will help when I work on the actual game. The rotation tutorial helped me better understand how to set up directions and such for things like bullets or enemies. The tutorial on enemies and hp was very interesting and it was super useful. It taught me a lot more on how to think when doing different code. When I had to set the hp I expected it to mostly be in the enemy file with maybe setting something for the bullet to be able to interact with a collision layer in the bullet file. I was wrong because I set most of it in the bullet file, the enemy file was used to just see if the enemies hp = 0, it got deleted.. Everything else like the hp variable setting and how the bullet interacts was in the bullet file.

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