Friday 11 December 2015

Day 3 - Dodge Work

Today I started actually working on the code for the dodge system and implementing it into my game. I got a copy of it from Howie so I could actually work on it. He helped me understand the code a lot better and how to make a lot of it. I am learning a lot about how things work and how coding in general works. I created a simple dodge mechanic by making the players sprite change and moving him along the x-axis. When I go home for the weekend I am going to try and make it more advanced so that it might allow you to only work against the collision layers of the Zombies or maybe it will just make the player or Zombies solid=false. For now while I'm learning this was great progress but as I get better I hope to update everything I have done earlier.

In the picture I used the dodge mechanic to jump out of the other 2 zombies.

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